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Long has the world been mesmerized and fascinated by the mystical beauty and wisdom of ancient China. When every color has a unique meaning, and every flower its own history, there are always troves of moving stories waiting to be told. Journey with us as we take you through the enigmatic heart of traditional China.

Guided by traditional values and inspired by the beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts, our artists are transcending time and place to unveil designs founded upon the belief that when an artist’s heart is pure, his work is blessed by the divine.

Established in 2012, the Shen Yun Shop is committed to spreading and preserving authentic classical Chinese culture. Through elegant and high-quality keepsakes, we seek to blend traditional designs and age-old wisdom into our daily lives. After all, true classics are always in fashion.

Deeply rooted in the belief of the divine, the ancients are confident that everything, even something as small and insignificant as a snowflake, is here to serve a predestined purpose. It is our hope that through our creations, we can show people the little-known beauty and grace of ancient China, and perhaps bring a little bit of serenity and optimism to the hustle and bustle of this modern-day world.

Following the immense popularity of the Shen Yun performances around the world, our shop is also expanding exponentially. From our early days of producing pens and postcards, we have since grown to include creations such as exquisite Italian-made silk scarves, fashion jewelry, as well as handbags and other keepsakes.

Join us as we weave five millenniums worth of traditions and beloved legends into each of our finely crafted pieces. May each design share with you its own unique story, and each gift carry to you our very best and warmest wishes.